Physical Protection (PE)

AC AT AU CM IA IR MA MP PS PE RA CA SC SI Physical Protection (PE) All Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 PE.L1-3.10.1 Limit Physical AccessPE.L2-3.10.2 Monitor FacilityPE.L1-3.10.3 Escort VisitorsPE.L1-3.10.4 Physical Access LogsPE.L1-3.10.5 Manage Physical AccessPE.L2-3.10.6...

Personnel Security (PS)

AC AT AU CM IA IR MA MP PS PE RA CA SC SI Personnel Security (PS) All Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 PS.L2-3.9.1 Screen IndividualsPS.L2-3.9.2 Personnel Actions There are currently no practices in the Personnel Security domain at Level 1. PS.L2-3.9.1 Screen...

Media Protection (MP)

AC AT AU CM IA IR MA MP PS PE RA CA SC SI Media Protection (MP) All Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 MP.L2-3.8.1 Media ProtectionMP.L2-3.8.2 Media AccessMP.L1-3.8.3 Media DisposalMP.L2-3.8.4 Media MarkingsMP.L2-3.8.5 Media AccountabilityMP.L2-3.8.6 Portable Storage...

Maintenance (MA)

AC AT AU CM IA IR MA MP PS PE RA CA SC SI Maintenance (MA) All Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 MA.L2-3.7.1 Perform MaintenanceMA.L2-3.7.2 System Maintenance ControlMA.L2-3.7.3 Equipment SanitizationMA.L2-3.7.4 Media InspectionMA.L2-3.7.5 Nonlocal MaintenanceMA.L2-3.7.6...

Identification and Authentication (IA)

AC AT AU CM IA IR MA MP PS PE RA CA SC SI Identification and Authentication (IA) All Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 IA.L1-3.5.1 IdentificationIA.L1-3.5.2 AuthenticationIA.L2-3.5.3 Multifactor AuthenticationIA.L2-3.5.4 Replay-Resistant AuthenticationIA.L2-3.5.5 Identifier...

CMMC Level 2

CMMC Level 1 CMMC Level 2 CMMC Level 3 CMMC Level 2 Practices: AdvancedLevel 2 focuses on the protection of CUI and encompasses the 110 security requirements specified in NIST SP 800-171 Rev 2 Level 2 Scoping GuidanceLevel 2 Self-Assessment Guide AC.L2-3.1.3 Control...