The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Sector Coordinating Council (DIB SCC) serves as the primary private sector policy coordination and planning entity for the DIB to discuss cybersecurity, physical security, insider threat and issues that affect the resiliency of the DIB. The DIB SCC sustains the security, resilience, and critical infrastructure protection advances of the U.S. Defense Industry, both as an industry coordinating body within the DIB sector, and in partnership with the DIB SSA and the DIB Government Coordinating Council (DIB GCC).
Operating under the auspices of the DHS Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC) framework, the DIB SCC was established by the Secretary of Homeland Security pursuant to the authority of section 871 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. §451). The DIB SCC provides a single point of contact for internal coordination on a wide range of sector specific infrastructure protection activities and issues. It further provides a recurring forum for the DoD and the DIB to facilitate information sharing, discuss areas of mutual interest, synergistically leverage activities, eliminate duplicative processes, and collaborate on measures necessary to ensure the DIB sector mission performance.

The DIB SCC maintains relevant coordination with operational activities of the Federal government and other operational organizations via the National Defense Information Sharing and Analysis Center (National Defense ISAC) supporting the DIB SCC as the sector’s information sharing, analysis, and operational mechanism.
DIB SCC is the DIB industry-organized, industry-run, and industry-governed collaborative framework for security and critical infrastructure coordination with government and other security partners. Members include:
- Owners and/or operators with a significant business focus in, responsibility for, and/or control over the critical infrastructure of the U.S. defense industry;
- U.S. Defense Industry trade associations who are representative of U.S. defense industry owners and/or operators.

How to Join
If you are interested in attending or becoming a member of the DIB SCC, contact SCC@ndisac.org identifying your company, your relationship to the Department of Defense, your role in the Defense Industrial Base, and detailing your interest in SCC Membership. The DIB SCC Executive Committee or a Standing Membership Committee that they may appoint, shall review and approve nominations for SCC Membership.
For more details, review the DIB SCC charter located on the Department of Homeland Security: https://www.dhs.gov/defense-industrial-base-sector-council-charters-and-membership