Mastering Cybersecurity Asset Management – Once and for All

Understanding your assets is the foundation of cybersecurity, right? So then why is asset management still such a monster of a problem? As IT environments become increasingly complex, teams are struggling to keep up

PCI – 2020 North America Community Meeting

Don’t miss THE data security event of the year for the payment card industry. Although we will not be together face-to-face, we will still gather virtually to hear important Council updates, regional insights, startling industry reports and are creating an engaging agenda for this multiday virtual event. The North America Community Meeting continues to be […]

Firewall Chat: Best Practices to Block Ransomware

Ransomware attacks have come back with a vengeance. More than half of organizations admitted to being hit by ransomware in the last year at an eye-watering average remediation cost of $761,106 per attack. One of the most effective methods for protecting against ransomware attacks like Ryuk, Sodinokibi, Maze, and Ragnar Locker is to fortify your […]

How to Unlock the Security Benefits of the CIS Benchmarks

Adopted globally by governments, private sector enterprises and academia, the CIS Benchmarks are critically important for establishing and maintaining a strong, effective foundation for all of your cyber efforts. By attending this webinar, you will gain insight into how the CIS Benchmarks are developed, why they matter, and effective strategies and approaches for using the […]

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