Lessons From Election Security Challenges

2020 is poised to be the most critical security landscape for elections – locally, nationally, and globally – and this issue will continue to grow and become more complex. Voter data is at risk of compromise, misinformation is rampant, and security issues – real or perceived – will remain regardless of regulation. What data analytics, […]

PCI – 2020 North America Community Meeting

Don’t miss THE data security event of the year for the payment card industry. Although we will not be together face-to-face, we will still gather virtually to hear important Council updates, regional insights, startling industry reports and are creating an engaging agenda for this multiday virtual event. The North America Community Meeting continues to be […]

The Top 3 Areas Where Today’s CISO Need to Focus

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on almost every aspect of our life: how we work, how we travel, how we shop and how we interact with our friends and families. Even more jarring is that this change happened in a matter of weeks or months, and we still face a great deal […]

Firewall Chat: Best Practices to Block Ransomware

Ransomware attacks have come back with a vengeance. More than half of organizations admitted to being hit by ransomware in the last year at an eye-watering average remediation cost of $761,106 per attack. One of the most effective methods for protecting against ransomware attacks like Ryuk, Sodinokibi, Maze, and Ragnar Locker is to fortify your […]

How to Unlock the Security Benefits of the CIS Benchmarks

Adopted globally by governments, private sector enterprises and academia, the CIS Benchmarks are critically important for establishing and maintaining a strong, effective foundation for all of your cyber efforts. By attending this webinar, you will gain insight into how the CIS Benchmarks are developed, why they matter, and effective strategies and approaches for using the […]

DFARS 7012 Cybersecurity Webinar Series #14: Pacific CMMC Conference Online

URGENT UPDATE: THE NEW DFARS INTERIM RULE HAS BEEN RELEASED AND GOES INTO EFFECT NOVEMBER 30, 2020! Don't miss this opportunity to get the latest information on the DoD's new DFARS rules and the rollout of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program, directly from CMMC program director Katie Arrington. The Cyber Collaboration Center is […]

10th Annual Cyber Security Summit

Minneapolis MN, United States

At the Cyber Security Summit, our mission is to produce a multi-stakeholder consortium that brings together industry, government and academic interests in an effort to improve the state of cyber security on both a domestic and international level.

How to Bridge the NetOps/SecOps Divide

In this webinar, we’ll talk about and illustrate how a common set of data can help both teams work and address cybersecurity requirements together. Join us to learn: • Why packet capture and flow analysis are important to cybersecurity response and remediation • How to complement existing protection, detection, and response tools using packet capture […]

[Webinar] DFARS Interim Rule: What, When, and How

According to the recently released DFARS Interim Rule, as of November 30th, all members of the DIB subject to implementation of the NIST SP 800-171 standard must have a current (completed within the past 3 years) DoD Assessment on record in the DoD’s Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) to be eligible for an award, subcontract, or […]

TribalNet 2020 Annual Conference

As a way to connect with tribal technology decision makers and business leaders, the 2020 TribalNet VIRTUAL Conference & Tradeshow offers an unparalleled number of opportunities. For over twenty years, the event has evolved to become the premier platform for businesses, governments, and employees to connect and explore the latest in solutions, best practices, and […]

11th Annual NICE Conference and Expo

The annual National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Conference and Expo brings together thought leaders from industry, government, academia, and non-profit organizations to address the community's cybersecurity education, training, and workforce needs. This event provides an opportunity to share best practices from around the world and across sectors in order to build the workforce we […]


Register now to explore best practices in privacy solutions, expand your global network and earn up to 9 CPE credit hours all in one day from the comfort of your home. Learn how to assess, build, and implement privacy solutions for your organization; stay up to date on evolving privacy laws and regulations; and ensure […]

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