Colorado Department of Education – Sample Removable Storage Policy 3.1 3.1.21 3.7 3.7.4 3.8 3.8.5 3.8.6 3.8.7 3.8.8 Access Control Maintenance Media Protection
This is a sample removable storage policy for the Colorado Department of Education.
This is a sample removable storage policy for the Colorado Department of Education.
This article provides an overview of removable media including the risks associated with this technology and how to implement a control policy.
McAfee Total Protection to reduce the attack surface
NIST resources that defines requirements for review, assessment, and approval of system maintenance tools
NIST resource that defines the requirements for malicious code protection.
NIST resource that defines the requirements for spam protection.
The USBGuard software framework provides system protection against intrusive USB devices by implementing basic whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities based on device attributes.
This sample policy provided by SANS discusses removable media.
This SANS whitepaper discusses a holistic approach to USB port-security.
This article provides an overview of the risks associated with removable media for industrial facilities based on a 2018 Honeywell report.