Defense Security Exchange Celebrates Milestone
DSIE Announces New Board Leadership Roles and Celebrates a Decade of High Quality Threat Detection and Mitigation Collaboration.
WASHINGTON – (March 9, 2017) – Today, the Defense Industrial Base Information Sharing and Analysis Organization™ (“DIB-ISAO™”) celebrates the 2-year anniversary of its official incorporation. The DIB-ISAO™ is also known under the trade name of the Defense Security Information Exchange (DSIE). This anniversary also heralds DSIE’s anniversary as well. DSIE celebrates a decade of providing its membership the ability to partner together in a trusted and highly active network enabling all participants to defend their cyber networks and systems.
During 2007, a group of Defense Industrial Base (DIB) companies who were engaging in network security collaboration began to formalize their activities. They adopted the name DSIE and, in early 2008, further matured their creation by establishing it as an Industrial committee of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). In that same year, it was also defined and recognized as the Cyber Sub-Council of the DIB Sector Coordinating Council. DSIE has participated in that role from then to now.
Between 2008 and 2014, the DSIE trusted information sharing environment matured in depth, value, and potential scope of activities to the point where it far outgrew its role as a trade association working group. On March 10, 2015, two years ago, DSIE incorporated as a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit organization in the District of Columbia under the DIB-ISAO™ name, doing business as DSIE.
Today, DSIE is governed by a Board of Directors who were recently re-elected for a term of two years. They voted upon new leadership roles for their 2017 term resulting in the following DSIE Board of Director Leadership Roles:
Chair: | Jay Weinstein, L-3 Technologies |
Vice Chair: | Mike Gordon, Lockheed Martin |
Treasurer: | Jeff Troy, GE Aviation |
Secretary: | Mark Ackerman, Boeing |
Member at Large: | Wayne Boline, Raytheon |
The DSIE Membership is also served by a Steering Committee of 15 Member Companies who advance DSIE Members’ interests, oversee DSIE Working Group activities, and who act to maintain the day-to-day value proposition of the organization. The current DSIE Steering Committee Chair is Christina Fowler of MITRE, who also serves as an ex officio member of the DSIE Board of Directors.
“The DIB-ISAO is a continuation of the strong work that DSIE has accomplished throughout its history. We look at DSIE as a sharing community that has a very special relationship among its members where trust is of the utmost importance,” said Fowler, who has been involved with DSIE for nine years.
DSIE’s unique trust model encourages an active level of high quality peer-to-peer collaboration about threat activities and best practices. This collaboration results in enhanced threat detection, response, and security practices across their Member’s corporate enterprise. This enables DSIE Members to better protect their own networks and intellectual property, as well as highly sensitive government or proprietary data residing on their networks that may have sourced from the government or other partnering companies. By maintaining an industry forum promoting activities that enhance National security as well National economic interests of the United States, DSIE uniquely benefits industry, government, and the Nation.
“DSIE is a unique information-sharing organization in that our member companies engage in proactive collaboration recognizing cyber threats,” said DSIE Board of Directors Chairman Jay Weinstein, who has also been involved with DSIE for nine years. “Our member companies are able to benefit greatly from this collaboration in order to better prepare and protect their interests. The leadership is looking forward to continuing to grow and mature the organization over the next year.”
“When DSIE was first started, it was mostly compiled of major defense contractors who were seeing APT on a daily basis,” Steering Committee Chairperson Fowler adds. “Now it’s a more broad and diverse group. Many of our analysts are performing in-depth collaborative analysis, enabling our member companies to better prepare for future threats.”
During its decade of excellence, DSIE’s membership base has grown to 74 member companies with a combined annual revenue of over $1.5 trillion. Approximately 450 DSIE analysts actively engage in cyber collaboration within the DSIE environment. During 2016, DSIE-hosted two annually-recurring conferences where its Member Company analysts engaged in high-quality discussions about cyber threats and security practices. The combined attendance of those two events was over 300 of the best analysts and security practitioners in the industry. DSIE also hosted its annual two-day Cyber Executive Summit for Member Company cyber executives with over 60 attendees present.
Per Board Member Wayne Boline, who served as DSIE’s Board Chair from 2011-2016 throughout the transition of DSIE from a trade association working group to a non-profit organization, “The evolution of the DSIE from its inception in 2007 to the current day form is nothing short of amazing. The trust and sharing of the membership has grown exponentially and shines as an example of what can be done in the cyber sharing community when a common goal is realized!”
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