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ND-ISAC Supplier Webinar
National Defense Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ND-ISAC) User Authentication Working Group hosted a DIB supplier webinar on March 27, 2019. The User Authentication Working Group is focused on the various methods of validating the identity of communicating entities that goes beyond usernames and passwords. Through the webinar, our goal was to develop best practices and solutions for multi-factor authentication for ND-ISAC member companies and their suppliers. During the discussion, ND-ISAC identified, evaluated, and recommended appropriate security tools and methods to protect access to information resources. The focus was on solutions for multi-factor authentication (MFA) for remote, network, and local authentication for both normal users and accounts with elevated privileges. Attached is the presentation and Q/A from the webinar.
DIB-ISAO Transition to NDISAC
On September 28, 2017, the National Defense Information Sharing and Analysis Center™ (National Defense ISAC™ or ND-ISAC™) merged with the Defense Industrial Base Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (DIB-ISAO), a 501(c)6 organization for cyber threat sharing and collaboration, after members voted and the Board of Directors approved the merger and the eventual dissolution of the DIB-ISAO. The Defense Security Information Exchange (DSIE), the DIB cyber threat center of excellence previously under DIB-ISAO, became the premier sharing community within ND-ISAC following the merger….

Full History of ND-ISAC
The Full History of ND-ISAC is a detailed overview of how the National Defense ISAC was established, including details about the general history of Information Security and Analysis Centers (ISACs) and Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs) and how they impacted the National Defense ISAC.

History of ND-ISAC
The History of ND-ISAC is a shortened version of the Full History of ND-ISAC, covering how ND-ISAC was established and the general history of Information Security and Analysis Centers (ISACs) and Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs).

ND-ISAC Overview
The National Defense Information Sharing and Analysis Center™ (ND-ISAC™) is the National Defense Sector’s non-profit organization formed to enhance the security and resiliency of the defense industry and its strategic partners….

ND-ISAC Working Groups
National Defense Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ND-ISAC) working groups provide a collaborative environment for ND-ISAC members to share expertise, best practices, threat information, and mitigation techniques, as well as discuss standards, tools and policies based on the needs of the members…..

ND-ISAC Working Group FAQ
National Defense Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ND-ISAC) working groups provide a collaborative environment for ND-ISAC members to share expertise, best practices, threat information, and mitigation techniques, as well as discuss standards, tools and policies based on the needs of the members……